Healthcare Docket: A Near Doubling of Hospital System Cyberattacks Triggers Bipartisan Bill

Increasing costs and healthcare cybersecurity worries have sparked calls for new laws. The bipartisan “Strengthening Cybersecurity in Health Care Act” by four senators would require the HHS to perform routine evaluations of its systems and deliver biannual reports on practices and progress.

Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Protecting electronic information and assets from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure is crucial for the normal functioning of healthcare organizations. As the world grapples with the legal and clinical implications of AI in healthcare, cybersecurity has emerged as a pressing concern. Here are key points from the article:

  1. Accelerating Cyberattacks:
    • Attacks on healthcare information systems are increasing rapidly.
    • In one evaluation, cyberattacks on hospital systems doubled from 2022 to 2023, rising from 25 to 46 incidents. These affected a total of 141 hospitals.
    • Criminal hackers and ransom seekers now demand larger payouts, with the average ransom increasing from $5,000 in 2018 to $1.5 million in 2023.
    • Approximately one in three Americans were impacted by health-related data breaches in 2023.
  2. Legislation and Protections:
    • To address rising concerns, draft national legislation called the “Strengthening Cybersecurity in Health Care Act” aims to enhance protections within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
    • The bipartisan bill requires the HHS to conduct routine evaluations of its systems and deliver biannual reports on practices and progress.
  3. Real-Life Threats:
    • A ransomware gang recently threatened a Chicago safety-net hospital, demanding $900,000 within two days or else they would leak patient data.
    • Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago had to take its networks offline due to a likely ransomware attack, resulting in limited access to medical records and impaired communication channels.

Healthcare organizations must prioritize cybersecurity to safeguard patient data, maintain services, and prevent disruptions. Legislation and proactive measures are essential in this ever-evolving landscape12.

Source: Healthcare Docket: A Near Doubling of Hospital System Cyberattacks Triggers Bipartisan Bill

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